AFCEA Student Club

Founded in 2009 by Deree College Students, the AFCEA Student Club exerts in being the connection between the International Student Body and the wider field of business.


Serving its non-profit character, the AFCEA Student Club does not require anything more than the desire for acquiring and ethically exchanging knowledge within the broader International Student Body Network. The AFCEA Student Club is dedicated to passing on the knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to the students-members in all different domains, such as: Information Technology (IT), Business Security, Business Communication and Intelligence Forums (Pools of Knowledge).

Click HERE to download the AFCEA Student Club Constitution.

Deree College’s relationship with AFCEA

For the past two years, AFCEA Europe has been organizing two major business Symposia: TechNet International (every October) and TechNet-Europe (every May) in different European capitals. During TechNets, governments, the military and high-end business have the opportunity to explore cutting-edge trends and technologies. Student attendance was introduced by Deree College Students and Prof. Harry Athanassopoulos (an AFCEA Director) in 2003 and since then many top business students are participating every year, partly sponsored financially by the College and by AFCEA Europe.


The Past

Following this unique and highly praised Deree College initiative, other European students were encouraged to explore the AFCEA forum and educational / business opportunities by organizing in April 2008 the First International Student Conference with great success, where top student projects were awarded. The Second International Student Conference was  held on October 28 2009 in Brussels in conjunction with TechNet International 2009 with the theme “Information and Technology in the Knowledge Era”, coordinated by Deree College.

After achieving an impressive attendance in the series of events in October 2009 in Brussels (Second International Student Conference and TechNet International 2009) with two outstanding presentations from two Deree College Alumni: Aggelos Papaioannidis and Michael Chasiotis, the AFCEA Student Club decided to raise the level even more.

The Club successfully participated in two very interesting events during the Fall of 2010.

With exceptional presentations in the fields of Neuro-Marketing, Gas Conductors, Bing-Bang Residual Energy in the surrounding space and even a Psychological Approach of Business great participation was achieved in the 3rd AFCEA Europe Student Conference which carried the title: ‘People, Projects and Perceptions – even thinking is participation!’ in October 2010, in London, United Kingdom

Extremely valuable conclusions were reached during the TechNet International 2010 also, which took place in October 28-29, 2010 in London UK. In the very same series of conferences a highly specialized presentation was given by Mr. Dimitris Tataridas a DEREE – The American College of Greece Alumnus who holds a Master’s Degree in War Studies. Mr. Tataridas has also earned the AFCEA Award for European Excellence in a Scientific Project 2010 for his project “Engineering Reality – Cyber -PSYchologicalOPS or CYOPS and Mind Control Techniques in Cyberspace”. If you wish to download Mr. Tataridas’ Presentation clink here and it will be automatically save on your hard drive

“Engineering Reality – Cyber-PSYchologicalOPS or CYOPS and Mind Control techniques in Cyberspace ”

The theme of the Conferences was “Integrating Cyberspace into the Battlespace” and an explicit presentation was given at DEREE – The American College of Greece during Spring 2011.

At the same time, the Club members initiated a research on the subject of ” Cloud Computing ” which was be analyzed in TechNet Europe Conference 2011 in May, in Slovakia.

The AFCEA Student Club had the opportunity to also attend very detailed presentations during the AFCEA TechNet International 2011 in Heidelberg, around the theme of ” Virtual Reality Matters “.

After an exciting attendance in the 4th AFCEA Student Conference in Prague, Czech Republic , with more than twelve Student Club and delegates, the two entities have now gathered amazing information from the conference theme “People, Projects and Perceptions – Social Networking and More”

Many of the presentations of the 4th AFCEA Student Conference may be found and downloaded here


The Present and Future

The AFCEA Student Club is now occupied with preparing for the upcoming presentation of   ” Lessons Learned ” which is open to all the American College of Greece Community and all individuals from the Academia, Business and Military.

The date of the presentation is going to be announced soon for the Spring Semester, 2013

All individuals are welcome to join this presentation, after notifying the AFCEA Student Club via an e-mail

Selected representatives from the AFCEA Student Club and joined the AFCEA Global Intelligence Forum in Brussels, where the Club participated for the first time in a world-class Diplomacy/Intelligence Forum!

The experiences earned from this high profile Forum in combination with the TechNet International 2012 will be presented during the “Lessons Learned” presentation coming up this Spring.



In the meantime, the AFCEA Student Club and representatives are getting set for the 5th Student Conference in Warsaw, together with the TechNet Europe 2013 in May.

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All students are welcome to contact us for more information related to these conferences, the substance of the AFCEA Student Club or simply to get to know with us!


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