Message from the Secretary

Posted by on Feb 1, 2011 in Articles | 1 comment

Mr. Panos Rokkas , Secretary, AFCEA Student Club


For the DEREE – The American College of Greece students who want to know tomorrow’s news today, the AFCEA Student Club seems the most appropriate place to be. Through the bi-annual fieldtrips AFCEA Student Club organizes; its members, DEREE students and/or alumni, have the unique opportunity to attend the AFCEA TechNets and Student Conferences and other events. It is where one can have access to technology innovations, breakthroughs and ideas that will be out in the public after 2-3 years or more! It is also a very good place one can build connections. Large scale corporations’ CEOs (like Verizon, Dell, Microsoft, Thales, NATO, etc.) attend and/or give presentations there every year, thus making themselves available for lobbing; a major privilege for all the participants.

In contrast to what the title, and other random notifications may imply, the AFCEA Student Club is not only targeting technology-oriented people, but all other business fields as well. In fact, statistical data stress that the C.I.S. (Computer Information Systems) students are a minority in the Club!

The AFCEA Student Club, is open to all DEREE students and never neglects its valuable alumni. We keep our minds open, as well as our door to all of you, and approach every subject with insight, clarity and always according to our Code of Ethics. Sharing knowledge has been our main goal as members of the AFCEA Student Club and this will continue to characterize our every movement. Like our web site

Following both the College’s and AFCEA’s nature, the AFCEA Student Club is a non profit student organization, with its main goal to enlarge its members’ list and making the most out of every flash of knowledge we encounter. Thus, no fees or other types of obligations are required for being a member. It is simply a matter of upgrading and optimizing your personal and business Attitude.

Concluding, I would like to share with you a personal feeling / belief. After one year in the AFCEA Student Club I have caught myself being different than before. I have met with people that, normally, I would have never been given the chance to. I have learned about new trends in technology that are yet to be widely known. I have been exposed to ways of thinking about issues that I had never approached likewise before. My way of understanding the world has got more serious and my business viewpoint has broadened globally.

I believe that, in one’s life span, exist only a few moments which can shape his/her character; they can reshape his/her viewpoint of people, of the society, of the World.

These are their “personal milestones”.

I recognize that my joining in the Club was one of them.

Panos Rokkas , DEREE – The American College of Greece
Senior, School of Arts and Sciences , Information Technologies
School of Business, Computer Information Systems
Secretary, AFCEA Student Club

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