
The Employment of RSPP to Acquire Information Superiority

The Employment of RSPP to Acquire Information Superiority

  This article discusses the presentation of Drs. Rini M. Goos, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of European Defense Agency (EDA), for the AFCEA TechNet Europe 2013 which took place at Hilton Warsaw Hotel, Poland on May 28, 2013. Mr. Goos highlighted the supreme significance of the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) and indicated the three domains (information superiority, communication security, and big-data analysis) in which it can be of astonishing support.

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The rising tendency of Businesses, Organizations and Agencies worldwide to allocate tremendous amounts of IT resources, due to the overwhelming data flows, along with the current need of logging everything for a multitude of reasons, have – among other things – brought us to an era of huge volumes of data being transferred Internationally. It has been the trend of our time to refer to such data movements using a unique term, “Big Data”.

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The Crisis and I.T/I.S in the Greek Industry

 In the year 2008 the Greek industry was affected by the world economic crisis. It was clear that many things had changed and from that point and on nothing was ever going to be the same in terms of how business would be conducted. The crisis had an impact not only on the society and industry of Greece but also tilted the foundations of the Greek economy. One of them is technology. Particularly, the crisis has changed the way that industries perceive uses and invest in Information Technology.

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Securing Government, Public,Private Affairs

One of the main driving forces of today’s and tomorrow’s business endeavors is the ability to trust and be trusted among the parties involved. In today’s dangerously evolving open cloud era however, one cannot stand on his own. It takes the combined efforts of all branches in order to make great things happen and future promises to be made. It takes… a coalition approach.

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A moment of silence







Dear AFCEA Community,

It is moments like these that we are all reminded how fragile and unique we are at the same time, when we lose somebody we care for; somebody we value. Robert Howell was a true member of the AFCEA Community, one that will be greatly missed.

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4th AFCEA Europe Student Conference: Overview

People, Projects and Perceptions – Social Networking and More!

30 May 2012, Hotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic

As a follow up to the third student conference “People, Projects and Perceptions – even thinking is participation!” that took place in London in October 2010, AFCEA Europe’s fourth student conference was held this year in Prague at the same time as TechNet Europe – ITTE 2012 and represented yet another opportunity for students to present short papers on subjects with international appeal focusing this time on Social Networks, one of the hottest subjects of today’s inter-connected world. At the same time, the program also allowed easy access to the TechNet key presentations and Exhibition and plenty of networking due to the fact that the venue for both TechNet Europe and the Student Conference was the same.

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Evolution will come through: Innovation and Renovation


In the case of Innovation, the recipe is simple: All you need is an idea


In the case of Renovation though, more steps are to be followed


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AFCEA Student Club

Founded in 2009 by Deree College Students, the AFCEA Student Club exerts in being the connection between the International Student Body and the wider field of business. Serving its non-profit character, the AFCEA Student Club does not require anything more than the desire for acquiring and ethically exchanging knowledge within the broader International Student Body Network. The AFCEA Student Club is dedicated to passing on the knowledge through the exploration of issues relevant to the students-members in all different domains, such as: Information Technology (IT), Business Security, Business Communication and Intelligence Forums (Pools of Knowledge).

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Deree College

Deree College

Deree College – The American College of Greece


The mission of The American College of Greece is to contribute to the advancement of Greece and the global community through teaching, scholarship, outreach and service rooted in the American educational tradition. Our aim is singular and sustained excellence as a comprehensive, non-profit, American educational institution abroad.

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