Note from the President

Posted by on May 2, 2011 in Articles | 47 comments

After the creation of the AFCEA Student Club, the future expanded tremendously, inviting us to conquer our dreams and accomplish our objectives by the day. The Creation of such a Student Club at DEREE – The American College of Greece was unexpected for most people and even to its creators; professor Harry Athanassopoulos and I did not expect that this would be such a huge breakthrough accomplishment.

We already managed to expand and involve twenty some active members in our Club’s activities and events.

Today, after the successful establishment of the first AFCEA Student Club and the impressive foundation of, the individuals and Chapters of Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) entertain the idea of motivating the local students of each country to join this “Student approach” of getting involved with AFCEA.

With the assistance and support of AFCEA’s Headquarters and under the guidance of AFCEA’s Educational Foundation, we succeeded in securing our Club’s sustainability for the future, as well as receiving an annual merit-scholarship for one undergraduate DEREE student who will be majoring in Business or Information Technology.

On May 9 and under the honoring invitation of the AFCEA Educational Foundation, I will be representing the AFCEA Student Club and DEREE – The American College of Greece in the 2011 AFCEA Education Summit in Virginia Beach, U.S.

The Summit is going to be held in conjunction with the AFCEA’s annual Joint Warfighting Conference and will focus on the exploration of future creation of student clubs and various entities as well as other related extensions of the topic.

The Summit is scheduled to commence on May 9, 14:00 (local time) and will also be broadcasted live via the following link:

The visitors of this link will also have the opportunity of submitting their own personal questions using an online chat application which is incorporated in the broadcasting website!

I am confident that this exciting experience will only be the beginning of a great collaboration between students and the “Core” of business globally! I am looking forward to hearing your questions and I will be more than happy to meet you in person before or after the Education Summit and discuss the essence of our Club and what we do for the students at DEREE – The American College of Greece and all Youth worldwide!

In the meanwhile, you are all invited to attend our AFCEA Lessons Learned seminar, on Thursday May 5th 13:30 hours at the 7th level Auditorium of the Aghia Paraskevi Campus.


Stay tuned!


Gerasimos Papandrikopoulos

President, AFCEA Student Club


The American College of Greece

Deree College – Office 307

6, Gravias Street

15342 Aghia Paraskevi

Athens, Greece

0030-2106009800 Ext. 1371