Panos Rokkas

The AFCEA Scholarship is now a reality!

Last year, among all other matters that were on the table of the AFCEA Student Club, the prospect of creating an AFCEA Scholarship which would be awarded to one of us, the Students / AFCEA Student Club members of DEREE – The American College of Greece.


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Message from the Secretary

Mr. Panos Rokkas , Secretary, AFCEA Student Club


For the DEREE – The American College of Greece students who want to know tomorrow’s news today, the AFCEA Student Club seems the most appropriate place to be. Through the bi-annual fieldtrips AFCEA Student Club organizes; its members, DEREE students and/or alumni, have the unique opportunity to attend the AFCEA TechNets and Student Conferences and other events. It is where one can have access to technology innovations, breakthroughs and ideas that will be out in the public after 2-3 years or more! It is also a very good place one can build connections. Large scale corporations’ CEOs (like Verizon, Dell, Microsoft, Thales, NATO, etc.) attend and/or give presentations there every year, thus making themselves available for lobbing; a major privilege for all the participants.

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